Consumer Information

Consumer Information EX180

The site provides current consumer information about EX180 Insurance.

The consumer information includes:

  • Fact sheet
  • Insurance conditions and extracts from the law
  • Information on Claims
  • Notice of Claim

Consumer Information

Fact Sheet (German)
Insurance Conditions (German)

Contact Partner EX180

Message, Collection, Insurance Certificate
For all questions concerning the collective contract, please contact:
Frida Strusch
+49 2247 9194 946
F +49 2247 9194 40
You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.

Claims Settlement
For all questions concerning claims settlement, please contact:
Katja Keunecke (Head of Claims Department)
+49 2247 9194 947
F +49 2247 9194 20
You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.

Special contact for claims in the USA:
For questions regarding claims in the USA you can contact our American partner Med Care:
+1 954 345 5650

Emergency service help-line:
In case of emergency, all insured can receive assistance by the 24/ 7 Europe Assistance AG emergency help line. Please contact the following number:
+49 89 5598 7642
