We have a long tradition of close cooperation with foreign-based companies and organizations. For many years now, we have specialized in developing and implementing insurance concepts for development workers, missionaries and volunteers abroad.
Furthermore, we have worked in the area of au pair placement since the 1960s.
We also focus on cooperation with tour operators in the area of ‘Travel and Education’. Through special contracts we offer worldwide insurance cover for high school stays, work and travel, volunteering, studying abroad and other youth travel programs.
For many years, we have also closely cooperated with universities and universities of applied sciences. Foreign language students, scholarship holders, students and guest researchers can purchase insurance cover for Germany through our framework agreements.

AGIAMONDO, Personal und Beratung für internationale Zusammenarbeit
"For many years now, AGIAMONDO has relied on DR-WALTER when it comes to social protection. This is not only true for our work with experts (development workers) but also for insuring volunteers. We can always rely on the high level of expertise, excellent customer orientation and the huge commitment of DR-WALTER. Their extraordinary performance plays a major role in AGIAMONDO’s positive image and provides assurance to the insured that they are well protected in case of an emergency."
AGIAMONDO (at that time Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe, AGEH) places qualified specialists on the basis of the Development Aid Workers Act (EhfG) for the international cooperation of church and civil society organisations and offers consultancy services on all questions of personnel cooperation.

Bucerius Law School
"We are very satisfied with your services and were extremely happy with how fast and friendly you handled our urgent claims right before Christmas."
Founded in 2000 by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, Bucerius Law School is Germany’s first private law school with the right to award doctoral and post-doctoral degrees.

Carl Duisberg Centren Intertraining & Consult GmbH
"We are very happy to have Dr. Walter GmbH as our cooperation partner and insurance broker for international student exchange programs. The cooperation began in spring 2007 when we negotiated our insurance policies and. Dr. Walter was always willing to find joint solutions, especially when we had individual needs such as specific extension terms.
We also felt that we could trust their long years of experience in travel insurance when we were assessing our insurance needs. In the event of a claim, Dr. Walter was always an extremely reliable and helpful partner. On the basis of this positive relationship, we are really looking forward to our future cooperation."
Carl Duisberg Centren is a leading service enterprise in the area of international training and qualification.

Christoffel-Blindenmission Deutschland e.V.
"For many years now, we have worked with Dr. Walter in all insurance issues concerning our worldwide relocations. We have always received solutions with an excellent price/performance ratio."
At present, the Christoffel Mission for the Blind (CBM) provides aid in more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe with approx. 1,000 aid projects.

Christusträger Bruderschaft
"... My state of health would not allow me to travel back to Germany on a regular flight. Without your insurance policy, I would never have managed to pay for my return transport. Being accompanied during my flight and the flight itself was a very pleasant experience. I am eternally grateful for your help."
Br. Dr. Reinhart B., Hospital Vanga, Dem.Rep.Congo
We always held the old monastic motto "Ora et labora" (Pray and work) in high regard. Right from the start, social commitment in developing countries was among the tasks of our sisters and brothers.

Manager für Menschen
“When it comes to insurance, we are very happy to have found a competent and reliable partner in Dr. Walter. This partnership will help us to create the necessary framework for the safe, sustainable and social commitment of our temporary advisors.”
‘Manager für Menschen’ (Managers for People) is your partner for social commitment. We train and provide experts and executives as temporary advisors in projects of non-profit organizations at home and abroad. If you want to take a break and join such a project, we will accompany you prior to, during and after your commitment as your competent contact partner.

TU Dresden
“Since 2009, TU Dresden has cooperated with Dr. Walter GmbH within the scholarship program Erasmus Mundus Action 2. Our scholarship holders from the EU and Russia get their insurance cover during stays abroad from Dr. Walter. We are very satisfied with this cooperation and in particular with the quick, flexible and friendly team of Dr. Walter GmbH.”
For many years now, the International Office of TU Dresden has been working with Dr. Walter.